Company news
The international rating agency S&P Global Ratings has raised the rating of LEXGARANT Insurance Company to "ВB-".
S&P Global Ratings has upgraded the long-term credit rating of the issuer and the financial strength rating of the Russian insurance company Lexgarant from B + to BB-, taking into account the strengthening of the company's market position in the international aviation insurance market.
21 октября 2020 года состоялось решение Кировского районного суда г. Екатеринбурга по иску клиента ООО «Туристическая фирма Робинзон-турс»
21 октября 2020 года состоялось решение Кировского районного суда г. Екатеринбурга по иску клиента ООО «Туристическая фирма Робинзон-турс» о взыскании уплаченных по договору денежных средств, неустойки - дело №2-4116/2020, где ответчиками выступали - САО «ЛЕКСГАРАНТ» и ООО «Туристическая фирма Робинзон-турс».
LEXGARANT Insurance Company Ltd. has become a general partner for the exhibition of early works by Ernst Neizvestny
LEXGARANT Insurance Company Ltd. has become a general partner for the exhibition Prometheus Unbound: Early Works by Ernst Neizvestny from the Collection of Svetlana Lovetskaya.
The ongoing changes in the Russian economy create a challenging risk background for any business. The typical core risk groups from a company management perspective (in terms of risk management function) are technological risks, property-related risks, and financial/commercial risks. All the above groups of risks are considered in conjunction with objects potentially exposed to the corresponding risks (property assets, finances, personnel, information, etc).
Risk management is a system of activities conducted in a regular manner and designed to minimize a company's losses. Insurance is one of the elements of this activity.
LEXGARANT Insurance Company has accumulated substantial experience and expertise in the area of design and implementation of comprehensive insurance programs for corporate customers, taking account to the maximum possible degree of their potential risks and their industry profile.
The program offers the following benefits:
- Maximum insurance coverage against potential property and financial losses
- Systemic risks analysis
- Real compensation of damage according to the terms of the insurance contract
LEXGARANT Insurance Company operates as a professional risk manager and uses sets of individual terms, tailored to the needs of each company, with due regard for the particular parameters of modeling the insured event.