On April 9, 2021,
global rating agency
S&P Global Ratings
raised Lexgarant's rating
to BB-, outlook “stable”
Company news
The international rating agency S&P Global Ratings has raised the rating of LEXGARANT Insurance Company to "ВB-".
S&P Global Ratings has upgraded the long-term credit rating of the issuer and the financial strength rating of the Russian insurance company Lexgarant from B + to BB-, taking into account the strengthening of the company's market position in the international aviation insurance market.
21 октября 2020 года состоялось решение Кировского районного суда г. Екатеринбурга по иску клиента ООО «Туристическая фирма Робинзон-турс»
21 октября 2020 года состоялось решение Кировского районного суда г. Екатеринбурга по иску клиента ООО «Туристическая фирма Робинзон-турс» о взыскании уплаченных по договору денежных средств, неустойки - дело №2-4116/2020, где ответчиками выступали - САО «ЛЕКСГАРАНТ» и ООО «Туристическая фирма Робинзон-турс».
LEXGARANT Insurance Company Ltd. has become a general partner for the exhibition of early works by Ernst Neizvestny
LEXGARANT Insurance Company Ltd. has become a general partner for the exhibition Prometheus Unbound: Early Works by Ernst Neizvestny from the Collection of Svetlana Lovetskaya.
LEXGARANT Insurance Company can provide outstanding insurance products for the peace of your mind.
We have designed a unique set of bespoke covers, focusing on the needs and demands of our clients.
In designing our insurance products, we applied our extensive experience and knowledge gained from years of underwriting travel, property and liability risks.
We have experience of working with employees of major corporates, providing tailored and based on our own wordings, group insurance schemes.
Our solutions include the following products:
- Car insurance products (hull insurance, compulsory third-party car liability insurance (OSAGO), Extended (optional) third-party liability car insurance (DSGO));
- Real estate insurance, household effects insurance and liability insurance;
- Personal accident insurance;
- Travel insurance;
- Medical insurance solutions.
The insured and members of his/her family opting to take out several insurance products from us (for example, taking out car insurance and personal accident insurance together at the same time) are eligible for substantial discounts in premium.
The scope of all insurance covers can be extended to meet your particular requirements.
You can receive more detailed information about the terms and conditions of our insurance products, as well as obtain a preliminary non-binding quote by contacting our staff.